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Click headshot for bio


Statistically speaking

dragons have the

dubious distinction
of being more likely
to exist than any other 

mythical creature

A goblin told me 

that the unicorns

are cool with this

but the angels are pissed

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"Dragon" by David Huth. Digital collage.

Click here for David's page. 


Your sentence isn’t

ready for publication

until your contractions 

are at least five

words apart


"Don't" by Gerald Mead. Mixed media.

Click here for Gerald's page.


We take pieces
created by others
and carefully place
them near one another

producing a new context

and a new creation
We take what we find

rearrange it and
make it our own
We’re all busy pasting

pictures of horses
next to ads for laundry soap

next to Mohammad Ali
This is how we make art
in the 21st century
but it’s how we’ve been

making people forever

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"Collage" by David Huth. Digital collage.

Click here for David's page. 

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